Valência House, Porto Feliz, photos, São Paulo architecture, Modern SP real estate, Brasil building

Valência House in Porto Feliz, Sao Paulo

21 June 2024

Architect: Padovani Arquitetos

Location: Porto Feliz, SP, Brasil, South America

Valencia House Porto Feliz Sao Paulo property

Photos by Fran Parente

Valência House

Valência House
Located in the countryside of São Paulo, Valência House is a carefully designed summer retreat aimed at bringing the family together amidst the tranquility of the countryside. The central concept of the project is to promote a direct integration between the natural environment and the interior of the residence, achieved through spacious and permeable social spaces.

Valencia House Porto Feliz Sao Paulo

To meet the demands and program established by the client, Padovani Arquitetos designed a vacation home that reflects the need for spacious and welcoming areas to host friends and family. Emphasis was placed on the harmonious integration between indoor and outdoor spaces, creating an atmosphere of seamless and enjoyable socializing.

Valencia House Porto Feliz Sao Paulo

Comprising seven suites, the house offers the comfort and privacy necessary for guests. Additionally, essential recreational areas were incorporated, such as a pool for relaxation, and a gym for physical activities. This modern Brazilian house design aims to blend functionality, aesthetics, and comfort, fully meeting the client’s expectations and needs.

Porto Feliz home in Sao Paulo Brazil

The concept behind the design of the vacation home was strongly influenced by the initial sketch, which served as a solid foundation for the conception. The implementation concept stems from respect for the topography and gently integrates by positioning the main block and the respective overlays of adjacent blocks, resulting in a light and distinctive volumetry.

Porto Feliz property design by Padovani Arquitetos

The premise was observed that the main block of the residence would be partially embedded in the terrain, taking advantage of the natural slope of the topography and the different levels. This approach allowed a three-story residence to be conceived in a way that minimizes verticality, adapting to the existing terrain. Thus, the volumetry resulted in slender lines drawn by the metal structure of the upper eaves, emphasizing horizontal lines in the overall design, which balances the scale of a house where the large footage and the verticality of three stories challenge the precision needed to create the correct proportion in each space.

Porto Feliz Sao Paulo property design by Padovani Arquitetos

Among the key elements that influenced the choice of the architectural concept were the framing of breathtaking panoramic views, the utilization of the terrain’s slope as an integral part of the design, and the strategic overlay of blocks to create a visually compelling composition.

Porto Feliz home design by Padovani Arquiteto

Emphasizing integration with the natural surroundings and maximizing views was a key consideration, ensuring that the residence harmonized with the surrounding environment while offering comfortable and functional living spaces. Sketches and evolutionary design studies were crucial for refining and developing these concepts throughout the design process.

Valencia House Porto Feliz SP Brazil

The site where the project was implemented lacks significant buildings in its immediate surroundings. This characteristic provides a sense of privacy, with large open spaces between constructions. The design of the residence, therefore, did not have to conform to existing vernacular modes of architecture in the surroundings. Instead, it was chosen to follow an approach that reflects Brazilian architectural identity, especially concerning materiality.

Valencia House Porto Feliz Sao Paulo Brazil

A deliberate choice was made to utilize Brazilian vernacular materials such as wood and stone in the construction of the residence. These materials not only harmoniously integrate into the natural and cultural context of the country, but also offer practical benefits such as durability, resistance, and a sophisticated and welcoming aesthetic.

Valencia House Sao Paulo Brazil

By adopting this approach, the project seeks to establish a genuine connection with the landscape and the Brazilian architectural heritage, while providing a contemporary and comfortable expression for its occupants.

Valencia House Sao Paulo Brazil

Therefore, while the design was not directly influenced by the predominant vernacular styles in the region, the conscious choice of materials and construction elements that reflect the Brazilian cultural identity demonstrates a commitment to contextualization and architectural authenticity.

Valencia House Sao Paulo Brazil

Valência House in Sao Paulo, Brazil – Building Information

Architecture: Padovani Arquitetos –

Interiors: Suite Arquitetos
Landscaping: Maria João d’Orey
Size: 1.500 sqm
Local: Porto Feliz

Valencia House Porto Feliz Sao Paulo property

About Padovani Arquitetos

Padovani is a Brazilian architecture and design office that weaves its narrative with lines that seek to express personality with simplicity, establishing an intense dialogue with nature. The office conceives the uniqueness of projects by investigating the best technical response in harmony with conceptual poetics and client needs, a ritual that is repeated in every detail. Their identity is marked by elegance, applied to a design that breathes tropicality and expresses the essence of these characteristics in their creations.

Valencia House Porto Feliz Sao Paulo Brazil

Founded by architect Lucas Padovani, the office has an in-depth creative process, which includes an integrated multidisciplinary team.

Padovani Arquitetos believe that each function developed here contributes in a fundamental way to guaranteeing a final result of excellence, through continuous interaction. Their team designs not only physical spaces, but also the experiences of those who inhabit and interact with the designed works.

Valencia House Porto Feliz Sao Paulo property

Photographs: Fran Parente

Valência House in Porto Feliz, Sao Paulo images / information received 210624 from v2com newswire

Location: São Paulo, SP, Brasil, South America

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