Top 10 reasons to renew BLS Certification guide, Basic Life Support healthcare tips, Life-threatening conditions

Top 10 Reasons to Renew Your BLS Certification Today

June 10, 2024

BLS training is vital for almost all aspects of healthcare. It teaches you how to provide immediate help during life-threatening conditions like cardiac arrest.

However, what if you were not prepared to deal with that situation or provide assistance? This is where plays a significant role which needs to be renewed every 2 years. Fortunately, you can take advantage of a BLS renewal online course to renew your credentials hassle-free.

Renewing BLS has many benefits like you can get an opportunity to expand your knowledge and improve your skills in life-saving techniques. Let’s look at the top 10 reasons to renew your BLS certification, helping you to prepare for a quick response to an emergency.

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What is Basic Life Support (BLS)?

Basic Life Support is a basic first-aid procedure used on patients in case of injuries or life-threatening illnesses. It involves care provided by healthcare professionals or individuals to those experiencing such conditions:

  • Obstructed airways
  • Respiratory distress
  • Cardiopulmonary emergencies

According to statistics, early defibrillation within 3-5 minutes after cardiac arrest is crucial. Each minute of delay in defibrillation reduces survival chances by 7–10%. However, prompt CPR and defibrillation can significantly improve survival rates, with a potential survival rate of 49–75%.

To excel in the BLS field, every healthcare professional must acquire proficiency in several key skills, including:

  • CPR (cardiopulmonary resuscitation)
  • AED (automated defibrillator) skills
  • Relieving foreign-body airway obstruction
  • Initial assessment
  • Maintenance of the airway
  • Rescue breathing/mouth-to-mouth ventilation
  • Chest compressions.

Why Should You Focus on Your BLS Certification Renewal?

Here are 10 compelling reasons to consider your BLS renewal today:

  1. Staying Up-to-Date with the Latest Advancements

BLS renewal is crucial for staying updated on the latest medical advancements and procedures. Regular renewal ensures you can perform the newest, most effective procedures, which are vital for life-saving situations. For instance, if new CPR techniques prove more successful, you’d want that knowledge for emergencies.

  1. Skill and Knowledge Refresher

BLS certification can reinforce your life-saving skills and knowledge, boosting your confidence to assist if needed. Regular renewal within 2 years helps you refresh your skills and knowledge. BLS skills need regular reinforcement to maintain expertise.

  1. Confidence Booster

Knowing the techniques is one thing, but having the confidence to apply them in stressful situations is another. BLS renewal instills the assurance to respond quicker, potentially saving lives.

  1. Learn Latest BLS Guidelines

BLS guidelines evolve with medical research. What you initially learned may no longer be considered best practice. Renewal ensures you are using the most up-to-date, effective BLS methods. For example, continuous chest compressions without rescue breaths are now advisable over past mouth-to-mouth approaches.

  1. Better Expertise

Even with prior training, infrequent practice can lead to forgetting some of your skills. Renewal courses, with hands-on training and instructor feedback, help maintain and improve your technique for real emergencies. During a renewal course, for instance, you’ll practice manikins with guidance on improving chest compression depth and rhythm to ensure effective CPR delivery.

  1. Situational Adaptability

Every BLS scenario is unique, and renewal courses expose you to various situations, teaching you how to adapt your techniques. This flexibility is crucial for providing appropriate care, whether treating an infant, child, or adult. With BLS renewal, you develop the ability to assess and adjust your approach based on the victim’s age and condition.

  1. Legal Protection

In some professions, an expired BLS certification can lead to legal issues. Renewing your certification provides legal protection and ensures you follow proper protocols to save lives. Healthcare providers must keep their BLS certification updated to ensure the safety of both employees and patients.

  1. Career Advancement

Many healthcare employers require current BLS certification for job retention or advancement. Renewing every 2 years is often mandatory to maintain employment and demonstrates your commitment to safety and patient care.

  1. Be a Potential Lifesaver

With BLS training, you can be a potential lifesaver by providing appropriate services to someone during cardiac arrest or choking. BLS renewal allows you to prepare yourself for an emergency in your family or society.

  • Convenience

Online BLS courses make renewing your certification more accessible than ever. You can access high-quality instruction and materials from the comfort of your home, on your schedule. Instead of taking time off work for an in-person class, you can complete your BLS renewal online, fitting it into your busy life—perhaps during your lunch break or after work.

BLS Certification Renewal – Final Words

Basic life support (BLS) is emergency medical care provided when someone experiences a life-threatening health condition. BLS renewal ensures you can deliver life-saving care with skill and confidence in critical situations. Let’s prioritize this essential certification today to prepare ourselves to respond to emergencies before proper healthcare services arrive.

BLS certification and renewal are different.

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