Signs your living space needs maintenance, Basement waterproofing, Home foundation strengthening tips

Signs your living space needs maintenance

21 June 2024

Signs your living space needs maintenance job
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4 Subtle Signs Your Living Space Needs a Maintenance Job Sooner Rather Than Later

Being a proud homeowner comes with the responsibility to maintain your living space. The good thing is that many Americans understand this responsibility and do their bit to keep their properties in optimal condition.

According to a recent Angie’s List report, the total average spending on improvement, maintenance, and emergencies was $13,667 across 11.1 projects in 2022. The number spelled a 6% increase compared to 2022, which is impressive.

However, despite the statistics, the ground reality is different. Many homeowners miss out on the maintenance essentials due to tight budgets. Others simply put them off due to procrastination or other urgencies. Overlooking these requirements can lead to costly repairs later, and cause more inconvenience than you can imagine.

Experts recommend watching out for subtle signs indicating the need for an overhaul and acting promptly. Here are a few maintenance-related warning signs you must pay attention to.

Damp Spots and Leakage

living space wall maintenance
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The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) notes that the average American home leaks around 10,000 gallons of water annually. With even small leaks causing wastage of water, 10% of households end up wasting more than 90 gallons of water every day.

Even worse, leakage can result in structural issues like foundation damage, wet basement, and damp exterior walls. It can also wreak havoc on the indoor air quality.

If you notice these signs, put damp-proofing your home on top of your maintenance checklist. Start by inspecting all areas of your living space, looking for signs like dampness, peeling paint, and leaks.

Consider replacing old pipes and leaky faucets to eliminate the possibility of leaks. Basement waterproofing is a wise investment because it resolves the problem in most cases and prevents lasting water damage.

According to St. Louis Foundation Repairs, homeowners must not skimp on professional basement waterproofing costs because they are worthwhile. Also, hire an experienced basement waterproofing contractor for the job. They may also recommend a foundation repair and pipe replacement if needed.

Musty Odor

Home living space maintenance team
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A musty smell in your home is another warning sign calling for a maintenance check sooner rather than later. Ignoring it means disregarding the risk of mold infestation in your home.

Mold can harm the health of your family down the line. It can grow anywhere, from a damp basement to the attic and crawl spaces. You may not even detect its presence until it becomes a widespread problem.

A quick mold abatement project can prevent the problem from worsening. Unfortunately, 47% of homes in the US have visible mold or musty odor indicating it. That’s almost half the residential properties.

The worst part is that you may acclimatize to the musty smell. Ignoring it means you may not smell it at all. The best way to avert this situation is to get regular maintenance checks and prevent mold growth in damp basements and moist areas.

Combining basement waterproofing and underpinning

Cracks and Holes

Cracks and holes are more than just an eyesore. Foundation cracks are a big problem because the structural integrity of your home is at risk. The Old House notes that not all cracks in the foundation are a reason to worry because the natural curing of concrete may cause hairline cracks. However, you should be concerned about larger cracks that grow over time.

Call a professional for a foundation inspection if you notice expanding cracks in your home’s foundation and concrete walls. If they recommend a maintenance and repair job, go ahead without second thoughts.

Forbes notes that the average cost of these projects is about $5,400. You may be charged per hour or per square foot. While this may seem like a considerable expense, it can save you from a lot of trouble in the long run.

Look for holes in drywall as they may be a sign of termite infestation. These pests use the holes as entry and exit points and cause extensive damage to your home. In this case, the home maintenance checklist will also include hiring an exterminator.

Sloping Floor

Another subtle warning sign that your home needs a maintenance project is sloping floors. You may not notice it in most cases unless a spill runs to the same spot. A formerly level floor may develop a slant over time. It happens when the joists supporting it break or rot, causing the floor to settle in at a specific area.

Calling a structural engineer is an ideal solution because these experts can assess the structural support system of your home. They will also determine the best way to repair it. In some cases, they may recommend major repairs or even replacing the floor to maintain the property’s structural integrity.

To sum it up, regular home maintenance should be a part of ownership goals for old and new homeowners. However, most owners seldom look beyond common signs like damaged shingles, plumbing issues, and electrical problems when it comes to scheduling maintenance checks. Watch out for these less-evident signs and act fast to safeguard your home’s structure from extensive damage.

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