Should you use a Denver restoration service, Colorado Building Maintenance, America Real Estate

Should You Use a Denver Restoration Service?

March 10, 2022

Regardless of the size of your home or the surrounding property, a water disaster can be devastating. That is whether you are hit by a peril such as a fire or a hurricane, perhaps flooding, or if the home becomes inundated by mold when you’re unable to get the damages dried out fast enough.

We do not realize the effects that water can have until faced with health repercussions and possible structural involvement.

Should you use a Denver restoration service

For these reasons, it is essential to reach out for the services of a trusted restoration group like Anatom Restoration in Denver immediately after having an incident. A team of experts can ensure a property is brought back to its original condition, and you can go back to life as usual.

The priority with a disaster is being prepared and knowing what to do before and after to minimize the damages as much as possible.

A primary component is ensuring that you are safe from harm and that the things you hold valuable are in a place where they are protected.

Standing water can prove dangerous with electricity making it essential to contact the electrical company to shut down the power, so no one gets hurt. Let us look at a few more tips to guide you through the potential for peril with your home.

Should you use a Denver restoration service

Should You Use a Denver Restoration Service Guide

Residents in Denver have the fortune of reputable restoration services to assist in the instance of a peril striking causing water damages to their property. Water can affect a home’s structural integrity and cause health issues for the residents.

It is essential to act immediately after the incident to clean up from the effects. Mold can develop within 24 hours of surfaces being exposed to water.

Drying out and cleaning up needs to occur quickly; thus, the services of a restoration company that uses adequate tools and equipment not only to handle the apparent problems but the areas that are hidden from sight. Look here for guidance on water damage restoration. Some tips on what homeowners can do after disaster strikes.

  • Avoiding the spread of damage

Water seepage can continue after the peril, creating more damages even after the incident. It is essential to follow any instructions given by authorities on the scene to assist with safety and security.

Should you use a Denver restoration service

  1. Ensure that you and your family are together and safe from the peril and any collapsing structural elements. There will be authorities on the site giving instructions for which cooperation is vital. Drive, if possible, if not walk with care, in search of transportation, shelter, medical assistance/supplies, food, perhaps clothing.
  2. If there is any concern about property safety, avoid entering the home until professionals inspect to look for foundation damage, structural integrity, chimney issues, roof, and any stairs. When you are permitted to go in, protective clothing is required, including rubber boots and gloves.
  3. Use a flashlight inside and avoid any electrical wires that have fallen or appear damaged since these have the potential for being live. There could also be things falling, nails and holes on the flooring or in the walls, and other dangers.
  4. Use care for the possibility of wildlife like snakes that could have entered with floodwaters.
  • Flood peril: Food/water sanitation

For homes that experience water damages or floodwaters, the food and water in the house will need sanitizing before it can be used for drinking, cooking, or washing until the local public health office or water company deems it safe. The following can be sanitized first prior to use.

  1. Foods in cans or aluminum pouches are usable if these are not in any way damaged. These should be thoroughly disinfected with bleach (1 tablespoon for each gallon) and water. Rinse them thoroughly.
  2. Water should be strained with a filter or using a sanitary towel. You will then boil the water that has been strained for a minute vigorously, followed by letting it cool. With no capacity to boil, the alternative is to use “unscented chlorine bleach – unscented” with ⅛ tsp for each gallon of the water that has been strained.
  3. Utensils Anything plastic needs to be thrown in the trash. That will include pacifiers, baby bottles, nipples, utensils, cutting boards, wooden spoons, and anything that has come into contact with the water. Metal or ceramic pieces can be washed with warm soapy water. The utensils need to be boiled in clean water.

Should you use a Denver restoration service

  • Assess if the home is worthy of restoration

Consider whether the property is restorable or if the damages are too severe that you might want to consider a teardown and rebuild on the plot. If the disaster is a source of trauma, it might be challenging to go back into the same home.

When the peril is related to water damages, a professional needs to do a visual inspection to discern if the home will require restoration. Learn about water restoration at

While the inspection is occurring, it is an ideal opportunity to either video the damage or list the damages along with the inspector’s comments as far as the work that needs to be completed along with estimates.

If the restoration is simply not feasible, it is wise to move forward in a different direction. You can either demolish and build something new or sell the house as-is and move to a new location.

If there is a possibility for restoration, hire a company specializing in the kind of work you need to have done. Not using professional assistance will delay the restoration process and create a great deal of stress for the entire family.

You will bring a certified reconstruction provider with adequate license and insurance onto the site in a perfect scenario.

It is best always to check reviews to learn how previous clients viewed their work. You want to see some bad reviews to understand how the business handled the negativity and if they did so to the customer’s satisfaction.

Also, look at authoritative sites to ensure good ratings and no formal complaints against the business. With the right resource, you could find yourself back in your Denver home as close to the original as possible.

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