Brasilia House, Residential Architecture, Jardins do Lago Brazil Home, Property Design Architect

Tangram House – Brasilia Residence

New Jardins do Lago Residential Building in Brasil design by DOMO Arquitetos Associados

Tangram House, Brasilia
Date built: 2009
Design: DOMO Arquitetos Associados

Location: Jardins do Lago

Tangram House, Brasilia residence

29 Nov 2009

Brasilia House

Images – 30 Nov 2009:

The inspiration for this new house in Brasilia came from the study of the geometry of the chinese puzzle called Tangram, where a set of geometric forms are subtracted from a square and then rearranged to form pictoric figures. The challenge of the Tangram is to form the figures using all the pieces of the original square.

Tangram House Brasilia Brasilia House

The front and back facades of the house were designed as a three dimension arrangement of the geometric sections of a Tangram. The spaces formed in-between the pieces were used as to house the stairs, the skylights and the house installations.

Tangram House photos © DOMO Arquitetos Associados

House in Brasilia Tangram House Brazil by DOMO Arquitetos Associados
Brasilia Residence by DOMO Arquitetos Associados

New Residential Building in Brasil images / information from DOMO Arquitetos Associados

Location: Brasilia, Brazil, South America

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DOMO Arquitetos Associados

DOMO Arquitetos Associados is an architectural practice founded in Brasília in 2008. The design studio is led by architects Daniel Mangabeira, Henrique Coutinho and Matheus Seco.

The office work at different scales, from large architectural schemes to small interventions and interior design. The architects try to create projects that inspire people and that can interact positively with the city.

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Brazilian Architect – architecture firm contact details on e-architect

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