Hansaviertel Buildings, Modern Berlin Building Photos, 20 Century Architectural Design Images

Hansaviertel Buildings Berlin

Internationales Bau Ausstellung 1957: 20th Century Architecture in German Capital Photos © Adrian Welch

post updated 20 May 2024

IBA : International Building Exhibition, 1957

Location: northwest part of Tiergarten

Hansaviertel Buildings, IBA Berlin-Tiergarten
photo © Adrian Welch

5 Sep 2009

Hansaviertel Buildings

Interbau Apartment House, Händelallee 3-9, Berlin-Tiergarten
Date built: 1957
Design: Walter Gropius (Bauhaus founder), architect, TAC with Wils Elbert

Hansaviertel Buildings Berlin Hansaviertel Berlin International Building Exhibition Hansaviertel Buildings

International Building Exhibition Berlin Hansaviertel Buildings
all photos © Adrian Welch

Interbau Apartment House, Klopstockstrasse 30
Date built: 1957
Design: Alvar Aalto, architect

Interbau Apartment House

Interbau Apartment House, Altonaer Straße 4-14, Berlin-Tiergarten
Date built: 1957
Design: Oscar Niemeyer and Soares Filho, architects

Interbau Apartment House Berlin Interbau Apartment Home Interbau Apartment House Interbau Apartment House Hansaviertel Buildings

Hansaviertel Buildings Interbau Apartment House Interbau Apartment House Interbau Apartment House Hansaviertel Buildings Interbau Apartment Home

20th Century Interbau Apartment House Interbau Apartment House International Building Exhibition House Interbau House

20th Century International Building Exhibition Berlin International Building Exhibition Berlin Hansaviertel Buildings International Building Exhibition Berlin International Building Exhibition Berlin

Other Hansaviertel buildings on Klopstockstrasse:

Hansaviertel Buildings on Klopstockstrasse Klopstockstrasse Berlin architecture 20th Century Klopstockstrasse buildings

Klopstockstrasse building Klopstockstrasse building 20th Century Klopstockstrasse building

Other Hansaviertel buildings off Händelallee:

Händelallee Berlin Händelallee buildings

Händelallee building Händelallee buildings Händelallee buildings Modernist Händelallee buildings

Händelallee buildings Händelallee building

Block of flats facing onto Altonaer Strasse:
Altonaer Strasse flats

Community facilties – Library:
Hansaviertel Community facilties

View looking down Altonaer Strasse towards Grosser Stern monument in the middle of the Tiergarten, Niemeyer block off camera to left:
Grosser Stern monument

Congress Hall: Haus der Kulturen der Welt, John-Foster-Dulles-Allee 10, Tiergarten
Date built: 1956-57
Design: Hugh Stubbins, Düttmann and Mocken, architects
Haus der Kulturen der Welt
Das Haus der Kulturen der Welt : built for International Building Exhibition in 1957

The Hansaviertel is a small district (the smallest among Berlin’s 95 Ortsteile) between Großer Tiergarten park and the Spree River, within the central Mitte borough of Berlin. It was almost completely destroyed during World War II, but was rebuilt from 1957 to 1961 as a housing estate project by international master architects like Alvar Aalto, Egon Eiermann, Walter Gropius, Oscar Niemeyer, Sep Ruf etc., called Interbau. The whole ensemble, including two churches (St. Ansgar and Kaiser-Friedrich-Gedächtniskirche), is now protected as a historic monument.

Some Gründerzeit buildings remained north of the Stadtbahn railway. The Altonaer Straße, named after Altona, leads to the Victory Column. Schloss Bellevue, the residence of the German President is nearby.

Hansaplatz square was an active plaza before the war. Students from the Bauhaus in Dessau are actively trying to reclaim this Plaza as a community space.
source: wikipedia

Location: Händelallee 3-9, Berlin, Germany, western Europe

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Internationales Bau Ausstellung Berlin

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