Centre for Telecommunications and Information Technologies of the Generalitat de Catalunya, Spanish interior design

CTTI Offices Barcelona, Catalunya Architecture

CTTI Offices Barcelona design by ACXT architects

12 Jul 2011

Centre for Telecommunications and Information Technologies

CTTI Offices of the Generalitat de Catalunya Barcelona

Location: Hospitalet de Llobregat, west Barcelona

Design: Marc Casany Estrada, ACXT architects

CTTI Offices: Generalitat de Catalunya Barcelona

Photos by Eugeni Pons

CTTI Offices of the Generalitat de Catalunya

Project Description:

The project consists of the rehabilitating and reform of an existing building to convert it in the new offices of the Centre for Telecommunications and Information Technologies (CTTI) of the Generalitat de Catalunya (Government of Catalonia – Spain).

CTTI Offices CTTI Offices Catalunya

These offices were built to group all the IT and telecommunication services of the Government of Catalonia. In its design has prevailed the most representative values such as innovation, technology, communication and service.

The idea of the project was based on creating a new “way of working”. This new scenario will represent a new insight in the habits of office work, transforming the CTTI in an excellent benchmark for the ICT service provider.”

Centre for Telecommunications and Information Technologies Offices of the Generalitat de Catalunya Centre for Telecommunications and Information Technologies Offices of the Generalitat de Catalunya Barcelona CTTI Offices of the Generalitat de Catalunya Barcelona

The solution was established to create a “new concept of offices” with the following objectives:

1_Creating “new work dynamics”: Concept based on creating a place where users can make use of a knowledge exchange in a collaborative environment.

2_ Promoting communication: This space is the meeting point for those Public Administration´s “cooperative works”, becoming itself in an advanced scenario where the “reciprocal knowledge” is actively promoted.

3_Establishing a new corporate identity: This new “working scenario” has been created with a highly technical design & innovation, showing a strong image and represented by the Generalitat de Catalunya.

Centre for Telecommunications and Information Technologies Offices of the Generalitat de Catalunya Barcelona interior design by ACXT architects CTTI Offices of the Generalitat de Catalunya Barcelona

The challenge of the CTTI basement´s rehabilitating as a “workspace” meant an added difficulty when getting a comfortable environment for the user. The solution was to enabled an interior courtyard (we called “Well of light”) which through a set of mirrors (“Periscope” effect), was managed to lead the sunlight from the rooftop (located 5 floors above) to the basement improving the quality of this space.

The illumination´s concept for this working space goes beyond from being a simple functional solution to become an element to integrate and harmonize the architectural design, enhancing the meaning of the work.

Centre for Telecommunications and Information Technologies Offices of the Generalitat de Catalunya Centre for Telecommunications and Information Technologies Offices of the Generalitat de Catalunya Barcelona Barcelona interior architecture design by ACXT architects

The Outdoor artificial lighting for the meeting rooms are composed of “Linear fluorescents” (Type A energy rated) and randomly distributed in areas of movement. This placement is not fortuitous; the fluorescents are placed below the facilities (painted in black) to be unnoticed and giving the impression that there is nothing located in this space.

In the meeting rooms some plates with “LED strips” have been used as well as a Thermo elastic fabric which performs the function of a light diffuser, bringing a large homogeneous light within this space.

The combination of this natural and artificial lighting within the project with its local and centralized management, makes this basement space unique, functional, efficient and sustainable.

Barcelona interior design by ACXT architects Centre for Telecommunications and Information Technologies Offices of the Generalitat de Catalunya Barcelona Catalan interior design by ACXT architects

Centre for Telecommunications and Information Technologies of the Generalitat de Catalunya : Building Information

Project Title: new offices of the CTTI of the Generalitat de Catalunya
Client: Telecomunications Center & Information technologies, Generalitat de Catalunya Public Government Building
Architect: Marc Casany Estrada, ACXT architects
Location: Hospitalet de Llobregat, Barcelona, Spain
Public Government Building

Gross Floor area: 6,975 sqm
Cost €: 4.074.000
Start Date: Jan 2010
Completion Date: Jan 2011
Collaborators: Architecture / Site supervision: Sara Panadero + Veronique Brun
Engineering: Mercedes Gonzalez + Alfredo Fernández

Photographs: Eugeni Pons

Specific materials: Glass (Extrapurewhite, Transparent, Electrochromic glass, Mirror), Rubber and Epoxy resin

Centre for Telecommunications and Information Technologies CTTI Offices of the Generalitat de Catalunya Barcelona images / information from ACXT – DESPATX D’ARQUITECTURA

Centre for Telecommunications and Information Technologies CTTI Offices of the Generalitat de Catalunya is shortlisted for the LEAF Awards 2011

LEAF Awards : Shortlisted Buildings + Architects

Location: C. de Salvador Espriu, 45-51, 08908 Hospitalet de Llobregat, Barcelona, Catalunya, Spain

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